Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Natural Cures: Mosquito's and Black Flies

The bugs that bug the most!!!
We all know how pesty mosquito's and black flies can be. They buzz around annoying you until you can't take it anymore and worst of all they bite!
West Nile Virus is a scary thing, but the Deet in most bug repellents can be worse for you than the bug bite itself. Deet, especially when used often can cause extreme illness in small children, it attacks the blood cells in a manner that can possibly KILL!
A good home remedy for keeping the Mosquito's and Black flies away is LISTERINE!
Believe it or not, it works. Put some in a spray bottle and spray down your deck or the area that you and your family are outside in and it will keep those bugs away.
Also for your body, get some tea tree oil, full strength and dab it or rub it around the back of the ear, neck, arms, and legs. Be careful when putting on the face, near the eyes, it can burn.
Take these precautions and the bugs won't be buggin you or your children, its cheap, its all natural and its safe.
Let's keep the bugs from bugging!

This blog was written solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE.

  • Always consult a knowledgeable physician or health practitioner before using any herbal and nutritional supplement(s)!
  • To minimize or avoid any side effects, begin with a lower dosage than what is stated on the label. Gradually increase the dosage until you have reached the recommended levels!
  • Some nutritional and or herbal supplements can be very toxic when taken in higher than recommended dosage
  • If you are pregnant or nursing-avoid all supplements, unless prescribed or approved by your doctor!
  • Also consult with your physician before using any supplements if you are taking any prescribed medications!
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