Thursday, July 3, 2008

Natural Cures-HIV/AIDS


We know that foods won't cure AIDS, but a proper diet can support the body , to help it handle the physical stresses of this chronic disease and the drugs used to treat it.

HIV- the virus that causes AIDS, can put a great strain on all of the body's systems. Eating a nutrient-packed diet-0one that has lean proteins and antioxidant-0rich produce and excludes empty calories form junk food and alcohol-helps your body with the raw tools it needs to fight the virus and possibly delay its progression to AIDS.

Eat lean meats , fish chicken and beans.
Your body need protein to fight HIV, because it helps the body build the proteins needs to fight the virus.
Do not switch to a cheeseburger diet! Eat good lean meats. Saturated fats increase the already elevated risk for heart disease that comes with HAART medications, and they increase inflammation throughout the body.

I will not delve too deeply into this subject as I am not a professional!

Some food tips are:
High fiber foods, lots of fruits and vegetables (the fresher the better), shiitake, maitake and reishi mushrooms are all helpful. Yogurt with active cultures in them, brazil nuts have a favorable outcome as well.

Eat well, take your meds, and you may be able to lead a long and healthy life!
Exercise daily!

This should be a good rule of thumb for all of us, no matter what illness we suffer from!

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