Natural Cures----Ginseng
I'm sure by now all of you out there, or at least most of you have heard about Ginseng. Mostly marketed as a memory enhancer. It does other good things as well, but how do we use it?
Ginseng is one of the most famous of the Chinese herbal remedies, and has been claimed to be a cure-all. It has increased in popularity in the western cultures quite recently, but most people aren't using it correctly.
First off, Ginseng is helpful for combating exhaustion and difficulties in concentrating. Ginseng tonic, is sometimes taken to boost the immune function and the herb also helps to speed recovery after an illness, and help to lift mood and help fight mild depression.
How to use it:
It comes in many forms, the purest being the plant or root itself, but you can buy it in caplets and pill form over the counter at just about any pharmacy. I do recommend that you look for the purest version, try a health food store.
There are 2 main varieties of ginseng, whit and red. Only the root is used for healing purposes. White ginseng is simply the peeled , dried, bleached root. The more costly red ginseng is gotten by treating the freshly harvested roots with steam, then drying them slowly in the sun.
Now you can make Ginseng Tea, Tonic, in a bath, as a nutritional supplement.
For the Tea:
Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tsp. of grated ginseng. Steep for 10 min. then strain. The tea helps to sharpen concentration even in elderly people.
Tonic: Take 20-30 drops of ginseng tonic (sold in health-food stores) daily. It may prevent heart disease and can also raise low blood pressure.
Bath: Simply add grated ginseng root to your evening bath. Sit down deeply into the water and this will help you to relax after a long day, and sleep better than ever.
Nutritional Supplement: Save your money, use the root, grate it and add it to foods it's just as effective as taking a supplement. If you cannot find the root, buy the supplement and take it daily.
Ginseng is native to Korea and parts of China. It is only rarely found growing in the wild, but is widely cultivated in much of Asia.
Try Ginseng, it can do wonders for your brain and body!
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