Saturday, July 26, 2008


As age old as the wrinkles themselves. Our face can tell the tale whether happy or sad about our life, it's literally written all over our face. Wrinkles, nobody likes them, well maybe some, but most don't. Women spend millions every year to find the best wrinkle defender cream out there. There's botox, collagen injections, face lifts and the list goes on and on.

I'm here to tell you that there are foods, everyday foods that can help combat wrinkles about as well as the most expensive creams on the market!

Believe me? I wouldn't, it sounds too simple, but actually it is just that simple. What do you think people did before all the chemicals and so called natural ingredients in these face creams.

Well here are some that are tried, tested and true!

First of all, you have to eat right......I know we've heard this a million times, but it's true you are what you eat, and your face shows it.

Skinless chicken, fish, beans and nuts..................Protein helps repair cells that have suffered free radical damage. When protein is digested, it breaks down into amino acids, the building block of cells. Having allot of amino acids in your body helps speed the repair and regeneration of the skin cells and collagen.

Olive Oil........................................Olive oil is full of oleic acid, which is one of the fatty acids that keep cell membranes fluid and makes skin supple. Olive oil also has small amounts of other essential fatty acids that fight inflammation. Also vitamin E and ply phenols, a class of antioxidants that protect the skin from damage.

Garlic...................Just it! Its good for you all around and it helps the skin look young.

Salmon, mackerel, green tea, blueberries, black berries, raspberries, and strawberries are all jam packed with antioxidants and protect the skin from the damage that leads to wrinkles. Also Citrus fruits do the same.

Vegetables and beans.......................without repeating my self too wonders for the skin, when eaten.

Water.....................the most important..............drink plenty of water, it not only helps the body, but the skin as well. The fluid keeps the skin healthy.

Take vitamin E along with your multivitamin and again.......stay away from coffee and sugar..............they wreak havoc with your skin.

If you want the wrinkles gone, you have to fight for it, eat right, exercise daily and we will all look younger!

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